Tuesday 6 August 2013

be your own style

hey guys this is life as teen have probs at scool or on the web well im sort of new at this... sort of thing but i will try and help out i may have stumbled into these things myself

but i have had people telling me stuff like 'you need your hair like so and so because it dont look right' or 'why are you wearing a summer dress and winter jacket' well you got me there first off i'm not the fashion crazy type of person i just wear what fits me and that doesn't look to showy offy but i will answer he insults because i do that sort of thing well i why cant you clash seasons we d it in partys like christmas in july why cant we clash clothes together and i was wearing the jacket cause i was cold

but this is what is say wear what you think looks nce wear your own style for you guys the ltest fashion is you yh we can be a bit glam like on weddings and parties but we cant go over the top but you can try stand out but fit in at the same time by being our selves that what i'm doing this year and i dont care what them people say if you feel thats happerning to you just read this and follow it thats all you need to do and if you like it so far go onto my facebook page lie as a t33n and comment if i should carry on or give up what do you think